Billing Practices


Medicaid enrollees: You may have to fill out a new Medicaid renewal yearly to stay in the Medicaid program. Click here for more information.

Munson Healthcare Billing Practices

Patients are responsible for paying for the medical services they receive. We make every appropriate effort to collect money owed to the hospital for services provided. If a patient or family is struggling financially because of medical bills, we can set up a payment plan or offer financial assistance to those who qualify.

We Will Bill Your Insurance

We want to help patients meet their financial obligations and will bill their health insurance carrier(s) for hospital services, as long as a valid ID card and/or insurance coverage information is presented at the time of registration. The hospital maintains an active follow-up program with all insurance carriers. Insurance is billed as a courtesy to patients. The patient remains responsible for contacting their insurance carrier to ensure prompt payment of their accounts.

When to Call Your Insurance Company

Most insurance plans do not provide 100 percent coverage for a hospital bill. If you are unsure of your coverage for a particular medical procedure or test, call the customer service telephone number on your insurance card before scheduling your procedure. Once your insurance company notifies you of what portion of the bill will be your responsibility, call Patient Financial Services to arrange for payment or make a payment online. You are responsible for any charges not covered by your benefit plan. We will work with you and your insurance company to minimize any misunderstandings or payment delays. As a last resort, accounts with delinquent balances or without adequate payment arrangements may be forwarded to a collection agency or an attorney. 

Hospital Fees and Professional Fees

You may receive multiple bills for your hospital stay. The bill you receive from the hospital will be for hospital services only. You may receive separate professional fee bills from the radiologist, pathologist, surgeon, or other physicians involved in your care. Please be aware that you will receive a separate bill from each of these providers.

Surprise Billing

When you see a doctor or other health care provider, you may owe certain out-of-pocket costs, such as a copayment, coinsurance, and/or a deductible. You may have other costs or have to pay the entire bill if you see a provider or visit a health care facility that isn’t in your health plan’s network. Out-of-network providers may be permitted to bill you for the difference between what your plan agreed to pay and the full amount charged for a service. This is called “balance billing.” This amount is likely more than in-network costs for the same service and might not count toward your annual out-of-pocket limit. “Surprise billing” is an unexpected balance bill. You are protected from balance billing for emergency services and certain services at an in-network hospital or ambulatory surgical center. Learn more about your rights and protections against surprise medical bills.

Inpatient and Observation Status

The amount you owe on your bill will be affected by both your insurance coverage and your hospital admission status. Your hospitalization may be classified as either “inpatient” or “observation.” This status is determined by your insurance company based on your diagnosis and your need for hospitalization.  

Kalkaska County Property Tax Discount

If you are a resident of Kalkaska County and pay property taxes, you may be eligible for the Kalkaska Memorial Health Center millage property tax discount. You must have a tax receipt. For more information, call 844-467-5545.

Request a Detailed Bill

A detailed bill may be provided at your request.

Have questions about your bill?

If you have any questions, please contact: 

Cadillac Hospital: 844-467-5545

Charlevoix Hospital: 231-547-8521

Grayling Hospital: 844-467-5545

Kalkaska Memorial Health Center: 844-467-5545

Manistee Hospital: 844-467-5545

Munson Medical Center: 844-467-5545

Otsego Memorial Hospital: 844-467-5545

Paul Oliver Memorial Hospital: 844-467-5545

You may also access your account online here.