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It’s not always easy to admit when a part of our body has somehow slowed down or stopped working. But for Trish Fiebing, the decline in her hearing happened so slowly that she didn’t make the connection. All she knew was that she was missing out.

It started approximately ten years ago when the now...

VIDEO | Munson Medical Hearing Clinic Restores Hearing Loss

“It was amazing to me what I had missed all those years.”

Trish Fiebing struggled for years to be a full part of the conversation – until a surprise discovery made it clear why she had been missing out. 

It started approximately ten years ago when the now 76-year-old Traverse City resident was...

Tuned In: Hearing Clinic Offers Smart Phone Technology

One of every eight people in the nation experience some type of hearing loss.

Now technology allows those experiencing hearing issues to literally tune into what a speaker is saying or stream favorite songs to their hearing devices.

The audiology staff at the William and Leni Carls Hearing Clinic...

VIDEO I Mobile Hearing Clinic

Munson Medical Center's newest mobile hearing clinic is staffed by audiologists and technicians who travel throughout northern Michigan. They visit senior centers, schools, businesses, and community events to provide hearing tests and help people identify hearing problems.

Video courtesy of 7&4...

Free Hearing Clinic Offered at T.C. Senior Center

William and Leni Carls Hearing Clinic staff offer screenings, hearing aid repairs

Staff members from the William and Leni Carls Hearing Clinic at Munson Medical Center will offer free hearing screenings and hearing aid repairs at the Traverse City Senior Center from 9:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. on Wednesday...

West Shore Medical Center Offers Screenings for Every Age

The new year is a good time to catch up on any overdue health screenings.

Signs and symptoms of some conditions can go unnoticed in the early stages. Health screenings and regular check-ups with a primary health care provider can help ensure good health at every age. Here are the age-appropriate...

New Mobile Hearing Clinic Ready for the Road

Gift of $314,000 from The Carls Foundation makes it possible

A new mobile hearing clinic at Munson Medical Center, made possible by a generous $314,000 grant from The Carls Foundation, will help identify any hearing loss issues in schools, factories and communities across northern Michigan.


West Shore Medical Center Offers Screenings for Every Age

The new year represents a good time to ensure family health screenings are up to date. Medical conditions often go unnoticed in the early stages of development. Health screenings and regular check-ups with a primary health care provider can help ensure good health at every age. Following are a list...