Hospital’s Outpatient Services Touching Needs

Hospital’s Outpatient Services Touching Needs

Many take advantage of local access to lab, radiology, therapy, other services

The numbers show the need and that the region’s residents are taking advantage of local access to health care offered at Kalkaska Memorial Health Center.

In 2014, there were 138,000 lab visits, 18,000 visits for radiologic tests, 4,500 visits for cardiac rehabilitation, and 26,000 visits for physical therapy.

Hospital Director of Ambulatory Services Daniel Conklin said the hospital is focusing on making its outpatient services convenient, accessible, and on point for what area residents need to keep quality care close to home.

“About a year ago, our CEO Kevin Rogols did some strategic planning with the community that looked at what is needed in the community,” he said. “We are working on implementing those programs, based on the communication we received from our community members.”

As a way to make lab services more convenient, the hospital recently expanded its Mancelona Health Center blood-draw service hours to 40 hours a week instead of 30. The clinic is open from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday at 419 West State St., in Mancelona. Lab services also are available at the hospital seven days a week from 6:30 a.m. to 11 p.m.

For residents in need of dialysis, services are offered six days a week at the hospital’s state of the art dialysis center, located next to the hospital in Kalkaska.

Patients in need of diagnostic radiology can receive low-dose CT scans, bone scans, mammograms, ultrasound imaging, MRI imaging, and diagnostic X-rays at the hospital. Diagnostic X-rays also are available in Mancelona.

Heart patients will find a well-equipped cardiac rehabilitation facility at the hospital with rehab specialists ready to help post-surgical patients on the road to recovery. Cardiac testing is also done at the hospital.

“One of the things we are working on is increasing our ability to perform cardiac diagnostic testing at the hospital,” Conklin said. The hospital currently offers echo cardiograms.

In addition to cardiac rehab, the hospital offers pulmonary rehabilitation for patients with COPD and other chronic lung diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, and interstitial lung disease.

In the physical therapy area, residents can receive aquatic therapy, certified hand therapy, lymphedema treatment, auto accident rehabilitation, pain reduction, sport rehabilitation, urinary incontinence treatment, and wound care.

The hospital also offers speech therapy and occupation therapy – including return to work services.

“We’re also doing more community outreach with rehabilitation staff in the school systems with athletic teams,” Conklin said.

More information on Kalkaska Memorial Health Center Ambulatory Services can be found at