MHC to Make Operational Changes as Public Health Emergency Status Ends

MHC to Make Operational Changes as Public Health Emergency Status Ends

On May 11, along with other healthcare organizations nationwide, Munson Healthcare will officially move out of the “Public Health Emergency” status.

While universal masking, social distancing requirements, and visitation restrictions have already ended, we will also begin to implement other appropriate operational changes associated with this pre-pandemic status.

Please review the document “Moving out of the Public Health Emergency” for more details on these important changes starting May 11.

Key points:

  • MHC reserves the right to require mask use in areas that serve vulnerable populations when there is a high likelihood of exposure to a vulnerable patient if masks are not used.

  • Up-to-date vaccinations, including COVID-19 and influenza, are still required by MHC policy. For Healthcare Team members unvaccinated for COVID-19 we will use the same policy as for those unvaccinated for influenza: We will require masking for those who are unvaccinated at times of high transmission. Infection Prevention will make recommendations for COVID-19 and influenza masking to clinical leadership based on prevalence data.

  • We will adopt a system approach to elective surgeries after COVID-19 infection. Full details on these updates can be viewed here. This is consistent with our historical standard practice of delaying elective surgeries after other respiratory illnesses. Infectious disease, in coordination with surgical and anesthesia leaders across the system and supported by System Clinical Incident Command (SCIC), recommends the delay of elective surgery after COVID-19 infection based on the severity of the infection:
  • Four weeks for an asymptomatic patient or a patient who only had mild, non-respiratory symptoms.
  • Six weeks for a patient with respiratory symptoms who did not require hospitalization.
  • Eight to ten weeks for a patient who is diabetic, immunocompromised or was hospitalized with COVID-19.
  • Twelve weeks for a patient who was admitted to an intensive care unit due to COVID-19 infection.
  • Healthcare Team will no longer complete a form (paper or electronic) for self-screening.

  • Drinking fountains will re-open in a phased, unit-by-unit basis in coordination with Infection Prevention, Facilities, and EVS.

  • We will now treat COVID-19 infection like influenza and other illnesses and will not facilitate testing for COVID-19. If a Healthcare Team member has symptoms of COVID-19, they will be directed to seek medical care.

  • Daycare returns to pre-pandemic operations.

  • Community meetings may be held inside MHC buildings at the facility leadership’s discretion.

  • We will continue the industry standard of daily cleaning of high-touch surfaces.

  • Students, volunteers, and contractors are allowed on MHC property per policy, without general restrictions.

  • There may be site-specific restrictions, which will be communicated by site/department leadership.

As always, additional operational changes may occur depending on the positivity rate in our community

For more on the end of the COVID-19 PHE and its impacts, watch the May 3 Provider Forum with Rachel Roe, Chelsea Szafranski, and Dr. Joe Santangelo.

  • UPDATE: The DEA has extended the ability for providers to prescribe controlled substances via telehealth. Updated slides are available here.