Munson Minutes | COVID-19 Vaccines and Pregnancy


The CDC has strengthened its guidance that pregnant and breastfeeding women can safely receive a COVID-19 vaccine. In this episode of Munson Minutes, Stacey Sensor, DO, OB/GYN at Munson Healthcare OMH Medical Group, shares a few reasons why new moms and moms-to-be should strongly consider receiving a COVID-19 vaccine.

If you have vaccine-related questions, or any health questions at all, call Munson Healthcare Ask-A-Nurse at 231-935-0951 for advice. Our team of registered nurses is here for you 24 hours a day at no charge.

COVID-19 Vaccines and Pregnancy

Dr. Sensor

Hi, I’m Dr. Stacey Sensor. I’m an OB/GYN at Munson Healthcare in Gaylord, Michigan. Thank you for tuning in to this episode of Munson Minutes.

All the data we’ve seen so far indicate that COVID-19 vaccines are safe in both pregnant and breastfeeding women. Since vaccine administration has started, we’ve seen no measurable difference in adverse pregnancy events among our vaccinated population versus those who are not… Which is really good news.

There’s also data emerging that babies born to vaccinated mothers show that they carry the same protective antibodies that mom has.

Keep in mind, most of the data we're seeing are from those with Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, but the current data shows all available vaccines are safe in both new moms and moms to be.

Any mild or moderate side effects from the vaccine are from your immune system ramping up and not from the virus itself. Those side effects are not transmissible. There shouldn't be any worry or passing those side effects you might experience from the vaccine to your baby. 

It’s important to keep in mind that pregnant women are already at a higher risk for hospitalization, especially those who have the same co-morbidities that might lead to severe COVID-19. It doesn't matter how young and healthy you are or how many vitamins you take, COVID-19 infection causes a hypercoagulable state during pregnancy.

For those women who do become infected, the risk of having a blood clot after birth and perhaps needing long-term anticoagulant medication is much higher. There's also a higher risk of things like pre-eclampsia and low birth weight among COVID-positive patients, and we don't want that. 

A COVID-19 vaccine is just one more opportunity to keep the risk of adverse pregnancy events low and will keep moms protected from the virus even after they give birth. Always talk to your primary care physician or your OB/GYN. They know your health history better than anyone else. 

If you don't have a family doctor, our Ask-A-Nurse line is staffed 24 hours a day. Call 231-935-0951. Our nurses will help answer any questions you may have about vaccines and pregnancies. 

Ask-A-Nurse: 231-935-0951

That’s it for this episode of Munson Minutes. We’ll see you next time.