The Munson Pharmacy


The Munson Pharmacy

Munson’s Pharmacy strives to uphold the mission of Munson Medical Center, which is to deliver comprehensive quality care to patients in partnership with all health care providers. Our vision is to provide the best combination of high-quality, efficient, accessible health care while being highly valued by patients and their physicians.

The Six Values That Guide Us

1. Patients: Our first priority

2. People: Our greatest resource for achieving excellence

3. Accountability: To those we serve and one another

4. Respect: How we treat others

5. Stewardship: To continue to meet our mission

6. Compassion: The way we meet the needs of others

As a regional referral center and the largest hospital north of Grand Rapids, Munson Medical Center has a robust inpatient and outpatient pharmacy service profile. Forty inpatient staff pharmacists provide the services needed to care for patients in the 391-bed hospital. 

The technician staff is comprised of about 50 highly-skilled individuals. Our pharmacy department model is a hybrid of both clinical and distributive roles. We believe the best clinical pharmacist has in-depth knowledge of drug distribution processes of the hospital, and the best distributive pharmacist understands the clinical considerations of the drug therapies they provide.

Inpatient services provide all aspects of drug preparation and distribution, including:

  • Medication order verification via physician order entry (POE)
  • IV medication compounding
  • Extemporaneous compounding, batching, packaging of bulk medications
  • Filling and maintenance of automated drug cabinets

Our team of inpatient pharmacists provides hands-on patient care in the following clinical areas:

  • Emergency medicine
  • Critical care
  • Cardiology
  • Cardiothoracic surgery
  • Oncology
  • Antimicrobial stewardship
  • Orthopedics
  • Surgery
  • Neonatal intensive care
  • Nutrition support
  • Stroke
  • General medical units

Clinical responsibilities of our pharmacy staff includes guideline-driven drug therapy evaluation, medication reconciliation, renal and hepatic dosing adjustments, drug information questions, physician rounding, anticoagulation management, and individualized roles dependent upon the clinical arena (example: dofetilide initiation, monitoring, and education by our cardiology clinical pharmacists). For more information about our extensive clinical services, contact the residency program director.

Inpatient Pharmacy Oversight

Oversight of inpatient services is provided by a director of pharmacy, clinical coordinator, operations manager, utilization manager, safety officer, pharmacy educator, and two information technology pharmacists. In addition, the department has a technician coordinator, two full-time pharmacy buyers, two Medication Assistance Program technicians, as well as a department assistant.

Outpatient Pharmacy Services

Outpatient services include a dedicated Discharge Pharmacy located within the hospital, a Medication Assistance Program, home infusion services, anticoagulation management clinic, hospice, diabetes clinic, Heart Failure Clinic, and Medication Therapy Management services provided by our pharmacy at Munson Community Health Center.

A Teaching Pharmacy

Munson Medical Center is a teaching site for the Ferris State University College of Pharmacy. Our program has the ability to provide fourth-year students with all of their required rotations without having to go off site. Currently, we interview and handpick five students from each class to participate in this year-long exposure to Munson and our clinical programs.

The PGY1 residency program is heavily invested in developing the resident’s preceptorship skills, as well as promoting the resident’s growth and development with didactic teaching and mentoring. The vast majority of our resident preceptors are also adjunct faculty for the College of Pharmacy. The combination of our strong clinical programs and our department’s culture of education is a statement of our commitment to developing highly-skilled clinicians to lead our profession into the future.