Home Health Patient & Family Resources


Patient & Family Resources Available from Munson Healthcare Home Health

Our team at Munson Healthcare Home Health provides a variety of patient and family resources to assist in your care journey. At any point in your care, you can fill out an online form for patient and family feedback, as well as a way to express thanks to one of our Munson Healthcare Home Health team members. When needed, our team also provides hospice bereavement support services and grief support opportunities. 

Experienced Bereavement Support for Northern Michigan

Munson Healthcare Hospice has offered bereavement support for adults, children, and families throughout northern Michigan since 1985. From answering questions to providing ongoing emotional support, we’ve helped thousands of individuals and families through the grieving process.

One-on-One and Group Support Opportunities

Grief is a natural, normal, and very individual response to the loss of someone we love. It’s unique to each individual, with no set “stages” or time frame. At Munson Healthcare, we understand how grieving affects us physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Munson Healthcare is committed to helping guide you through your grief. We also offer support group events around northern Michigan, where families can gather with others in the community.

Grief Support Groups

We offer in-person and virtual support groups across the region. We have a variety of groups and would like to help you find the best fit for your needs. For information about our groups, or to join our monthly mailing with information about local events, please email hospicebereavement@mhc.net or call 800-252-2065.

View Grief Support Groups

Thank a Munson Healthcare Home Health Provider or Staff Member

We always appreciate feedback from patients and their families. If you feel a provider or other staff member has done an extra special job and deserves recognition, please let us know through our easy online form

Contact Us Today

For more information about patient and family resources or bereavement support call us at 800-252-2065 or email hospicebereavement@mhc.net.