Heart Failure Program


Heart Failure Program

Munson Medical Center launched a Heart Failure Program in 2013 to help the growing number of people who have heart failure. The clinic’s multidisciplinary approach is very successful in treating heart failure. 

The heart failure team includes a board-certified heart failure cardiologist, a specially trained nurse practitioner, a nurse specialist, and a pharmacist specializing in the diagnosis and management of heart failure.

Heart failure can’t be cured, but it can be treated. Treatment options include:

Treatment Plans Based on Your Needs

The Heart Failure Program team will develop a treatment plan based on your specific needs. The overall Heart Failure Program has been highly successful in reducing hospital readmission rates. In fact, Munson Medical Center has some of the lowest 30-day readmission rates in the nation.

Our Heart Failure Program team has a strong affiliation with both Spectrum Health and the University of Michigan Health Systems to facilitate specialized services or procedures not available at Munson Medical Center. Such procedures include left ventricular assist device (LVAD) implantation and heart transplantation.

Heart Services Are Nearby

If you have any symptoms of heart attack or stroke, call 911. Do not drive yourself to the hospital. EMTs can begin life-saving care immediately before you reach the hospital.

For more information, contact your primary care provider or Traverse Heart and Vascular at 800-637-4033.