Cardiac Rehab Helps Patients in New Lifestyle

Cardiac Rehab Helps Patients in New Lifestyle

Kalkaska Memorial Health Center program supports cardiac recoveries

American Heart Association statistics reveal cardiovascular disease represented one of every three deaths in 2013, the latest year available.

Kalkaska Memorial Health Center’s Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Clinic staff members take their job helping heart patients strengthen their cardiovascular system seriously. Clinic Manager Marianne Ewald, R.N., said her role is to help patients recover and regain their quality of life.

“We see patients after they have had a heart attack, a stent placed, a coronary artery bypass graft or heart-valve replacement,” she said. “We help them establish a new lifestyle.”

Treadmills, NuStep machines, rowers and an elliptical, help patients strengthen their heart under supervised conditions wearing a telemetry unit that records their heart rhythms. First-time patients receive counseling and together with Ewald, and other Cardiac Rehab staff members, they develop a strategy for recovery.

Ewald said she listens closely to patients to understand any fears or apprehension about the process. She’s interested in knowing if patients had an exercise program before their heart attack and how they cope with stress.

“Sometimes they are afraid they will have chest pain again or another heart attack,” she said. “We talk about the anatomy of the heart. They will be very safe here. We start very gently, and I believe they will be encouraged by other people.”

Patients generally spend one hour, three times a week for up to three months in the program after being referred by their physician. In addition to monitored exercise, there is health information about healthy eating.

The clinic is conveniently located in the hospital’s lower level and serves patients from Kalkaska, Acme, Rapid City, Alden, Bellaire, Fife Lake, Mancelona and Williamsburg. Most health insurances cover cardiac rehab payments and if patients choose, after their regimen is over, they can pay to use the equipment and services. Patients can be assured that they are exercising where staff and physicians are available should they experience any problems.

For questions about Kalkaska Memorial Health Center’s Cardiac Rehabilitation program, call Ewald at 231-258-7525.