Evaluate Your Well-Being

Evaluate Your Well-Being

Munson Healthcare has launched the Well-Being Index to address concerns about provider burnout and wellness. This short, online self-assessment provides immediate individualized feedback as well as how you compare with your peers across the nation in 6 areas, including quality of life, meaning in work, likelihood of burnout, and fatigue.

MHC-credentialed providers: Evaluate your Well-Being to receive personalized tools and resources to support your wellness journey based on your results. Your responses are 100% anonymous.

Aggregate data from this validated tool will be used to measure provider wellbeing and burnout, and help MHC develop programming to address it.

Watch a 1-minute video from Dr. Christine Nefcy, MHC Chief Medical Officer.

Questions? Want to help develop initiatives for provider well-being? Contact MHC Provider Services.