Free Concussion Baseline Testing Offered for Student Athletes

Free Concussion Baseline Testing Offered for Student Athletes

Comparison test becomes important if there are injuries during fall sports season

Munson Medical Center physical therapists and athletic trainers will offer free concussion baseline testing for student athletes from 9 a.m. - noon on Saturday, Aug. 5, at Munson Outpatient Services – West on Rosewood Drive.

The testing is for Traverse City Area Public Schools middle school and high school students who will be participating in 2017 - 18 sports programs. TCAPS and Munson Healthcare have partnered on a concussion management program for area athletes. The program was initially launched during the 2016 - 17 school year.

Parents are encouraged to attend, meet the staff, and ask any questions they may have about concussions.

Munson Outpatient Services - West is located at 5191 Rosewood Drive in Traverse City. For more information, call 231-935-9197.