Healthy Teens, Healthy Futures -- The importance of regular adolescent well-health exams

Healthy Teens, Healthy Futures -- The importance of regular adolescent well-health exams

The journey from childhood to adulthood is full of change and growth. Regular wellness check-ups are essential and recommended throughout childhood. However, it is important to remember that regular wellness exams are also vital when the child reaches adolescence. There are many changes that happen during adolescence, and annual exams will ensure that your teen is on track developmentally and emotionally. At the OMH Medical Group – Indian River, Dr. Jennifer Atkins, Pediatrician, is able to provide care for children through adolescence and into their early twenties. Atkins, who joined the practice in December 2015, is working with patients and their families to instill the importance of regular continued care past childhood.

According to Dr. Atkins, “Other than the first year of life, there is no other developmental period during which individuals grow more than during the period of adolescence, both physically and emotionally. These years are the time to form positive habits that will improve adolescents’ long-term health and wellbeing. When teens come into the office for their annual checkups, I have the opportunity to help influence choices that can make a real impact.”

Physicians are able to provide resources for teens during these wellness visits and make sure that their many health questions get answered. Physicians at Otsego Memorial Hospital are offering sports clearances and adolescent well-health exams in place of the traditional sports physical to make sure that all of the teen’s healthcare needs are addressed.

These exams not only provide a marker for the physician and the parents to track development, but studies by the American College of Preventive Medicine show they are necessary to keep up with the changing needs of adolescents. They are an important way to establish a trusting relationship between the teen and the physician, critical when more sensitive issues arise in wellness exams. Adolescence is an important stage in life where teens are laying the foundation for their futures, and any emotional or developmental problems that arise during this time can be addressed during a well-health exam.

Parents should consider a well-health exam for their teen in place of the standard sports physical necessary for high school athletics. The well-health exam is more comprehensive and will help establish regular check-ups for the teen.

“Often parents don’t realize that the school-required sports physical and the adolescent well-health exam can be done all in the same visit. Teens and parents can bring in the sports physical form and we can discuss and complete it as part of the well-child exam and make it all one easy visit,” said Atkins.

To schedule an adolescent well-health exam with Dr. Jennifer Atkins at the OMH Medical Group – Indian River, please call 800-920-9580, or with any of her partners in practice at the OMH Pediatric office in Gaylord at 989-731-7930.