Medical Director Peter Alvarado, D.O., said the PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) clinic is the only one in northern Michigan and will provide medication and education to protect people most at risk of developing the disease.
“PrEP is a powerful tool that has the potential to change the course of HIV in our community and around the world,” he said. “Northern Michigan residents will now have access to the medication, as well as all the educational resources available through the clinic. It’s a step in the right direction for the health of the region.”
To be effective, medications prescribed by the clinic must be taken every day.
The clinic launches on World AIDS Day, which occurs on Dec. 1 each year as a way to remind people about the worldwide effort against HIV and AIDs-related disease, as well as to commemorate those who have died from the disease. More information can be found at
The Thomas Judd Care Center began in 1994 with a vision to meet care needs for patients with HIV and AIDS. It offers medical case management, mental health and substance abuse counseling, free HIV testing, and more. For more information go to