Hospital Releases Community Benefit Report

Hospital Releases Community Benefit Report

Kalkaska Memorial Health Center provides 14:1 return on investment

When Kalkaska County taxpayers open their 2016 Community Benefit Report in the mail from Kalkaska Memorial Health Center, they will find their local hospital offers a substantial return on their investment.

Hospital Administrator and CEO Kevin Rogols, FACHE, said the hospital continues to give back to its communities in many ways. For fiscal year 2016 the benefits and services provided by the hospital total $16.55 million compared to $1.18 million in millage proceeds – a 14:1 return.

“As a governmental hospital authority, we are owned by the townships in Kalkaska County and the Village of Kalkaska. We are privileged to be supported by county residents’ tax dollars,” Rogols said. “This year’s report to the community shows the many ways we are investing wisely to bring real health dividends to the citizens of our county.”

As the county’s largest employer, Kalkaska Memorial Health Center supplies $13.7 million in wages and benefits that help support the local economy. And 275 of its 433 employees reside in the county. Providing close-to-home medical services help retain and attract employment to the area.

As a county economic engine, the hospital purchased $263,344 in local goods and services, provided $699,339 in Health Services Assistance, and $150,210 in in-kind donations.

In FY 2016, the hospital provided 185,342 tests for area residents so people do not have to leave the county. Surgical Services performed 1,300 outpatient procedures. Its Emergency and Urgent Care areas tallied 13,254 visits and the Kalkaska Dialysis Center ministered 6,402 treatments to patients. The dialysis center also achieved a five-star Medicare rating for its high quality patient care.

“We also partnered with Kalkaska Public Schools and athletics to launch a cutting-edge, evidence-based concussion program,” Rogols said. “Since its inception in 2016, we already have helped provide concussion management to more than 20 student athletes.”

The hospital continues to offer in-kind donations for regularly scheduled groups at the William Kitti Education Center at no-cost, and sponsors Teen Health Corners in Kalkaska and at Forest Area Schools. Scholarships are available to qualifying high school seniors headed for a health care field and the hospital invests in employee education through tuition reimbursement and loans.

Read Kalkaska Memorial Health Center’s 2016 Community Benefit Report.