Local Research on Telehealth-based Cancer Support Groups Published 

Local Research on Telehealth-based Cancer Support Groups Published 
  • 27 survivors or individuals undergoing cancer treatment who actively participated in virtual cancer support groups completed an online survey as part of a local research study – Perceptions of Telehealth-Based Cancer Support Groups at a Rural Community Oncology Program – published in the Journal of Cancer Education, the official journal of the American Association of Cancer Education. 
  • Findings provided valuable insights for optimizing digital health interventions, emphasizing the need for a balanced approach considering both the potential and the challenges of using telehealth in cancer care.

Congratulations to the 2 MHC members of the research team: Deborah Strand, Behavioral Health Therapist, Munson Medical Center Outpatient Behavioral Health, and Kelly A. Hirko, PhD, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Michigan State University College of Human Medicine – Traverse City Campus. 

For a copy of the paper, contact MHC Library Services.