Long-term Support Available for Brain Injury Survivors

Long-term Support Available for Brain Injury Survivors

Group meets second Tuesday of each month at Foster Family Community Health Center

A car drives down the highway when suddenly a semi in the opposite lane blows a tire. A portion of the tire hits the car’s windshield causing the driver to swerve, and lose control.

The car plunges into a ditch and then up into a stand of trees. Plastic and metal meets wood. And the driver’s head hits the side post of the car as it wraps around a tree.

Another brain injury occurs.

Munson Medical Center’s Brain Injury and Cognitive Rehabilitation Program Coordinator Joel Ayala said the hospital hosts a monthly support group for those dealing with brain injuries, as well as their caregivers. An open meeting at 5 p.m., March 9, at Munson Community Health Center, will provide an overview of available support services.

“People living with brain injuries need to know that they are not alone. Brain injury survivors want to be defined by who they are as individuals, not by their injuries,” he said. “With proper medical care, early and intensive rehabilitation and long-term support, brain injury survivors and their families can face the challenges, and enjoy the successes, that each day brings.”

March is brain injury awareness month.

The Brain Injury Association of Michigan estimates 200,000 Michigan residents currently live with a brain injury. The association links 10,000 brain injury rehabilitation facilities, programs, and professionals, such as the Brain Injury and Cognitive Rehabilitation Program.

People who cannot attend the March meeting are welcome to attend a future Traverse City support group meeting on the second Tuesday of each month from 5 - 7:30 pm at Munson Community Health Center.

For more information about the support group or services through the Brain Injury and Cognitive Rehabilitation Program, call 231-935-0388.

The Brain Injury Association of Michigan also offers a robust network of brain injury rehabilitation facilities, programs and professionals. It may be reached at 800-444-6443. For more information, visit biami.org.