MHC Family Medicine Residency Program's Telehealth Research Published

MHC Family Medicine Residency Program's Telehealth Research Published

Congratulations to the following MHC Family Medicine Residency physicians and researchers who recently co-authored a clinical journal article — Rural patient and provider perceptions of telehealth implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic — that was published in BMC Health Services Research!

The research, which incorporated 3 of the team's telehealth projects completed during the COVID-19 pandemic, concluded telehealth perceptions were generally favorable among rural patients and providers, although satisfaction was lower among older patients and providers. Findings suggest that telehealth approaches may add value and efficiency to rural clinical practice. However, technology issues for both patients and providers and gaps in care coordination need to be addressed to promote sustainability of telehealth approaches in rural practice.

Thank you to the patients and providers who participated in this research!