Munson Medical Center COO Appointed to ACHE Council

Munson Medical Center COO Appointed to ACHE Council

Derk Pronger named to legislative body of American College of Health Care Executives

Munson Medical Center Chief Operating Officer Derk Pronger, FACHE, has been appointed to the Council of Regents, the legislative body of the American College of Healthcare Executives.

The Council of Regents serves as the link between the national organization and American College of Healthcare Executive members by approving governance and membership regulations, as well as promoting organization programs, services, and activities within their respective areas. Pronger took office at the Council of Regent’s meeting Saturday during the American College of Healthcare Executives Congress on Healthcare Leadership that continues this week in Chicago. As a regent, Pronger represents the Michigan and northwest Ohio region.

The Traverse City-raised health care executive joined Munson Medical Center in June 2012. He was named chief operating officer in 2014. Prior to joining the hospital, Pronger served in several administrative positions within the William Beaumont Health System.

Pronger has a master’s degree in health services administration from the University of Detroit Mercy, in Detroit, and an undergraduate degree in accounting from Purdue University.

The American College of Healthcare Executives is an international professional society of 40,000 health care executives who lead hospitals, health care systems, and other health care organizations.