Munson Medical Center Stroke Program Recognized

Munson Medical Center Stroke Program Recognized

AHA/ASA gives hospital high marks for adhering to stroke measures

Munson Medical Center’s stroke program again was recognized by the American Heart Association and American Stroke Association’s Get With The Guidelines® program for its high quality of car e.

The hospital received Gold Plus Achievement recognition for two or more consecutive years of 85 percent or higher adherence on all applicable achievement measures for stroke patients, and 75 percent or higher adherence with five or more select quality measures in stroke care.

The program also received Honor Roll Elite recognition. This means the hospital accomplished at least 75 percent or higher achievement of door-to-needle times in providing Alteplase (tPA) within 60 minutes for stroke patients.

Munson Medical Center Chief Medical Services Officer Don Caraccio, M.D., congratulated all members of stroke and hospital care teams for their efforts.

“The recognition of our team performance for stroke care with our stroke registry highlights the great work of so many people in so many different areas,” he said. “This would not be possible without all the different services and areas working together for our patients and ultimately making a difference.”

The Get With the Guidelines®-Stroke program promotes the use of scientific treatment guidelines. Since the program began in 2003, 1,656 hospitals have entered more than 2 million patient records into the database. Many studies have demonstrated improvements in patient outcomes when guidelines are followed during treatment.

For more information on Munson Medical Center’s stroke program go to