New Member Joins Munson Healthcare Grayling Hospital Board

New Member Joins Munson Healthcare Grayling Hospital Board

Munson Healthcare Grayling Hospital welcomes their newest board member, Sonja Handrich, who was approved by the Munson Healthcare System Board on April 5, 2017.

Sonja is a resident of Oscoda County and has served for thirty years in Fairview Area Schools as the high school business teacher, the last four years of her tenure in a leadership role.  Sonja’s most recent role is a further demonstration of a career dedicated to education as the pre-college coordinator for Kirtland Community College, a position she has held since 2014.  Sonja received her Bachelor of Science in secondary education from Central Michigan University and additional teaching certificates throughout her career.  Her engagement in the Oscoda County community includes service on a client service committee with a local family resource center, volunteering at her church and assisting with various school events.

“Sonja represents an important area and population and we are excited that she will bring her experience, gifts and talents to our Grayling Board table” said Stephanie Riemer, president of Grayling Hospital.