OMH Foundation Fundraising for Mammography Technology Upgrades

OMH Foundation Fundraising for Mammography Technology Upgrades

Gaylord, Mich. — Breast cancer is the most common invasive cancer in women, with one in eight women in the US diagnosed in their lifetime. Early detection and advancements in screenings, such as mammograms, are key in improving outcomes. Staff at Munson Healthcare Otsego Memorial Hospital (OMH) work every day to make a difference in the lives of patients, but they can’t do it without the life-saving equipment and technology that aids them every step of the way. It’s critical that we provide our patients with these services close to home, making life easier and treatment more convenient.

To stay up to date with the latest advancements in technology for mammography, the OMH Foundation is raising money for 3D Tomosynthesis Mammography Technology upgrades. Digital breast tomosynthesis is a revolutionary screening and diagnostic breast imaging tool that provides clearer images of abnormalities within dense breast tissue and reduces “false alarms” and patient callbacks for additional imaging by up to 40%. Women will be able to receive the life-changing care they need locally, instead of having to disrupt their lives to travel for this technology.

“The new mammography equipment will improve patient comfort, while at the same time providing greater image clarity and quality for the Radiologists,” said Andy Lanway, Director of Radiology and Cardiopulmonary.

Currently, the Foundation is raising funds to purchase two new units at OMH in Gaylord, including a 3D Tomosynthesis Unit, as well as an additional unit for OMH Medical Group – Lewiston. You can learn more and support these fundraising efforts by calling Kim Biddinger, Leadership Giving Officer, at 989-731-7769, or visiting the Munson Healthcare Foundation.

Please note that all funds raised for OMH will continue to be used solely for OMH, in accordance with donor intent, as we have always done in the past. This includes all Otsego Memorial Hospital Foundation assets and investments.
