OMH Offering Low Dose Lung Screening CT Scan

OMH Offering Low Dose Lung Screening CT Scan

Gaylord, Mich. — Otsego Memorial Hospital (OMH) is now offering a low dose lung screening CT scan for early detection of lung cancer. The screening is for those at risk of developing lung cancer, the second most common cancer in both men and women. Until recently, there were no methods for early detection. With the help of the low dose lung screening CT scan, patients identified as high risk have a better chance of early diagnosis, which often results in better outcomes.

“By using low dose computerized tomography (CT) for patients who are considered the highest risk for developing lung cancer, we can potentially give these patients a head start on getting appropriate treatment that may save their life,” said Jim Flickema, Vice President of Market Development at OMH.

Determining eligibility for the low dose lung screening CT scan depends on a number of factors. Those between the ages of 55 and 77 years old, current or former smokers (former smokers who have quit within the last 15 years), those with a smoking history of 30 pack years (pack years equal the maximum number of packs smoked per day multiplied by the total number of years smoked), or those with a smoking history of 20 pack years and a family history of lung cancer would all be candidates for the low dose lung screening CT scan.

“There are specific criteria that help identify high risk patients for lung cancer due to smoking habits. The low dose lung screening CT scan protocol helps test these patients with a lower dose of radiation during the CT to help spot the initial beginnings of the disease in these patients.” said Flickema.

Medicare and most private insurers cover lung cancer screening for high risk individuals. If your insurance does not currently cover this service, you can contact our Patient Financial Services Department at 989-731-2198 to discuss your options. To learn more or for a referral into the low dose lung screening CT scan program, ask your OMH healthcare provider, or set up an appointment with an OMH provider by calling 989-731-2300.