Physician Offers OB/GYN Services in Arcadia

Physician Offers OB/GYN Services in Arcadia
OB/GYN Stephanie Fitzgerald, D.O., sees patients at office of Joel Anhalt, D.O.

Women in the Arcadia area can now schedule obstetrics and gynecological appointments closer to home.

OB/GYN Stephanie Fitzgerald, D.O., has started offering patients appointments every other Thursday at the office of Joel Anhalt, D.O.

“We want to make sure that women have convenient access to quality health care,” Fitzgerald said. “For those expecting a baby, we can do their prenatal care in Arcadia and then go to West Shore Medical Center’s Maternal and Newborn Center for a home-like birthing experience.” 

Dr. Fitzgerald offers a full range of obstetric and gynecological services for women of all ages at the office at 3278 Lake St. in Arcadia.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, call West Shore Medical Center at 231-398-1550.