Stroke Club Discusses When and How to Disclose a Disability

Stroke Club Discusses When and How to Disclose a Disability

The Grand Traverse Bay Area Stroke Club will host an open discussion of disability disclosure topics at its March 11 meeting. Talking points will include: 

  • What are the pros and cons of revealing a disability?
  • How much should one disclose? 
  • Does the decision to disclose and the amount of disclosure depend on the relationship? (Think potential employers versus friends and family.)
  • How does disclosing an obvious disability differ from disclosing one more discrete?
  • What language should be used? (“Person who had a stroke” versus “stroke victim.”)

Sharing experiences, recommendations, and suggestions are encouraged. Bill Zimmer, L.S.W., from Disability Network Northern Michigan, will also lend his expertise to the conversation. 

The group meets from 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. at The Presbyterian Church, 701 Westminster Rd. in Traverse City. The public is welcome.

For more information on the meeting, please contact Melinda Hollands, L.M.S.W., at Munson Medical Center’s Patient Care Management Department. Call 231-935-6380 or visit

The Grand Traverse Bay Area Stroke Club is open to the public and meets the second Wednesday of each month. The group offers stroke survivors and support persons the opportunity to learn, share, and connect through speakers, demonstrations, and discussions.