Telmediq: Key Points for Clinical Paging Process

Telmediq: Key Points for Clinical Paging Process

If you currently use the Spok Mobile app for paging, please wait until July 16 to remove Spok as Telmediq will not have full functionality until July 16.

If you are not a provider in an on-call role and use a shared department pager today, you will be able to continue using a pager. If you use the Spok Mobile app on your phone, you will be able to replace it with the Telmediq app.

When you log in, you may be asked to “Assume a Role.” At this time, assuming a role is optional, you can just click “Skip.” We will implement “assignable roles” in the future.

When sending a page, it’s important to understand the “priority” level of the message with respect to the impact it will have on the recipient. For details, read the 4 Elements of Great Telmediq Messages” job aid.

Here are a couple key points to keep in mind when receiving pages:

  • As nurses do not currently have smartphone capability in their workflow, nursing staff will receive any messages sent on a desktop computer. Please do not send time-sensitive messages to non-providers via the text message feature. Instead, please provide or respond to a call back number as in current state. We chose this vendor as it lays the groundwork for more two-way functionality in the future.
  • Orders should NOT be sent or taken via Telmediq paging. Please continue to follow current procedures for this, i.e., Provider Order Entry plus the Verbal Orders policy exceptions.

More Telmediq paging resources and information can be found at