To protect the security of our network and EMRs, MHC blocks internet traffic from other countries. If you’re planning to work outside the U.S., please refer to MHC's list of allowed/forbidden regions and follow the action steps below.
Purchase an international data plan or mobile hot spot for your devices prior to leaving the country. This is the best and most efficient option to work remotely as public Wi-Fi can be unpredictable, your desired access may be blocked locally, and it doesn’t require a call to the MHC Help Desk.
If you are unable to purchase an international data plan, contact MHC's Help Desk at least 2 weeks prior to departure with travel dates and location(s).
If you will need access to more than your MHC email/Teams/OneDrive, you will also need to provide a business purpose (i.e., good use reason), which is subject to approval and must be renewed every 5 weeks.
NOTE: It is recommended you complete any outstanding patient notes/documentation prior to leaving for vacation. It is also discouraged to bring your MHC laptop outside the U.S.
Best Practices to Minimize Risk When Traveling Abroad
Leave your Munson laptop home, if possible.
Keep your mobile device/laptop secured as there is no way to track if it is lost/stolen.
Depending on where you will be traveling, you many need to purchase a power plug adapter and/or voltage converter. Click here for a helpful resource.
Public Wi-Fi is likely not intended for working remotely so your connection might not be secure or dependable.