VIDEO | Developmental Assessment Clinic for Infants

VIDEO | Developmental Assessment Clinic for Infants

Addison is now a happy, healthy toddler, but she started life with developmental delays. She was born at 25 weeks and only weight two pounds. Her foster mother Erin Bellinger shares how the Developmental Assessment Clinic has helped Addison in many ways following her 77-day stay in the hospital after being born.

“When she started walking it was great. It felt like her infancy was so long that walking was truly a blessing,” says foster mother Erin Bellinger.

Dr. Matthew Arnold, Neonatologist, Munson Medical Center shares how the Developmental Assessment Clinic has a multidisciplinary service team in one location.

Desiree Worthington, Chief Dev. Officer, Munson Healthcare talks about the upcoming plans to expand the facilities in order to be a resource to families of all of Northern Michigan. Watch below to learn more about the Developmental Assessment Clinic. 

Video courtesy of UpNorthLive



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