West Shore Medical Center Offers Screenings for Every Age

West Shore Medical Center Offers Screenings for Every Age
Health screenings and regular checkups protect from illness and disease

The new year represents a good time to ensure family health screenings are up to date. Medical conditions often go unnoticed in the early stages of development. Health screenings and regular check-ups with a primary health care provider can help ensure good health at every age. Following are a list of screenings appropriate to consider:


Newborns receive their first health screenings just minutes after their birth. Almost immediately, a physician or nurse will check the baby’s appearance, pulse, grimace, activity, and respirations, also known as the Apgar score. The scores evaluate the child’s heart and lungs and assess how well they are adjusting to life outside of the womb. Additional tests include a hearing screening and metabolic-disorders screening. Vaccinations also may occur at this point and the baby will be checked regularly for jaundice. Once a newborn and mother are discharged from the hospital, regular checkups should be scheduled with the child’s pediatrician.


Most healthy children only need an annual checkup. However, if a child is living with an ongoing medical condition, they may need to visit their physician more often. Regular hearing and vision screenings should be conducted. Immunizations should be scheduled with the child’s primary care provider to protect them against serious illnesses.

Young Adults

Healthy young adults older than 21 should have a checkup every five years until age 40. A physician may recommend tests and preventive screenings depending on the individual’s overall health, age, and gender. At a minimum, regular vision and hearing tests should be conducted. Skin cancer screenings should take place annually. 

Middle Adult Years

Adults in their 30s and 40s should have their blood pressure checked at least every two years. Women in their 30s should get regular pap tests and breast exams and inform their primary care provider if there is a history of ovarian or breast cancer in their family. For women over the age of 40, routine mammograms are important for early detection of breast cancer. It is important to talk with one’s physician about when to schedule an exam. Women over 40 also should consult their provider about their risk for heart disease. Men in their 30s and 40s should start having their cholesterol checked and schedule regular screenings for testicular cancer. Men and women over the age of 45 should be screened for diabetes.

The 50s

Monitoring health becomes increasingly important for adults in their 50s. Primary care providers should be asked about testing for colorectal cancer, osteoporosis, and whether a daily aspirin is advisable to lower the risk of heart attack. Women should have routine mammograms as directed by their physician. Men in their 50s should continue to check their cholesterol levels and be screened for prostate cancer.

Older Adults

As adults age, the list of recommended screenings grows. At a minimum, men and women over 60 should discuss with their primary care provider whether taking aspirin is necessary to lower the risk of heart attack. Blood pressure and cholesterol levels should be checked annually along with screenings for colorectal cancer. Women should have a mammogram every two years. Men and women should continue to be screened for diabetes, skin cancer, and osteoporosis. 

Health screenings can be the key to catching conditions early, allowing for timely treatment. It is important to have an annual checkup with a primary care provider and regular health screenings to ensure good health at every age.