Heart Patient Goes on Journey of a Lifetime


Wise words from 64-year-old patient John Teesdale – who completed cardiac rehab at Munson Healthcare Charlevoix Hospital following a stent procedure. Although his body looked healthy and he was physically active, the avid hiker, biker, and skier found himself unable to breathe one day, which he soon discovered was due to a blocked artery.

I Wanted My Old Life Back

“In the hospital, they said I needed to set some goals. As I sat there contemplating what to do, the only thing I could think of was that I wanted my old life back.”

When he started cardiac rehab to help strengthen his heart, John was determined to do everything possible in order to make the upcoming hiking trip in Washington State he and his wife Anne had planned several months prior with friends.

“I did not want to call our friends and tell them I could not do it anymore. So I told the nurses in rehab that I wanted to do this trip! A very tall order since the trip was only two months away. But they said that if that’s what I wanted to do, then they would get me ready.”

Cardiac Rehab Team Helped Restore Strength

Over the next several weeks, John worked alongside the cardiac rehab team to get stronger. And it all paid off as he made the hike up the Washington mountains.

“I got my life back! And as I looked out from the mountain top at the most incredible views, I had to admit this trip really was the best ever!”

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