NICU Nurse Creates Halloween Costumes


Baby costume NICU nurse Munson Healthcare

Shannon Preston, RN, a Munson Medical Center neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) nurse, put her craft skills to work to provide costumes for our littlest patients —providing a surprise treat for parents and other nursing staff.

“I use felt, and cut and glue them,” she said. “Parents think they’re cute and it brings a smile to their face. It takes some of the stress off.”

  • NICU parent Kaitlin Flynn enjoyed seeing her son, Brayden, as a bumblebee. “It’s very sweet. I think it’s very special for her to make that.”

This year’s outfitted patients also included a Pebbles, Tootsie Roll, Beach Bum, and Hula Girl. “I usually make about 15; you never know when we’re going to get busy,” Preston said.