Six Ways We're Enhancing Patient Safety


COVID-19 Munson Healthcare

As our primary care offices and service locations continue reopening, we’re ensuring that you continue to receive safe, trusted, high-quality care. And with COVID-19 still on everyone’s mind, we want you to know it’s safe to visit Munson Healthcare facilities to receive the expert care you need.

"I want to make sure that our patients understand that there are steps that we have been taking to ensure their safety as well as the safety of our healthcare providers," said Dr. Christine Nefcy, Munson Healthcare Chief Medical Officer.

Here are six ways we’re ensuring safe and effective patient care throughout our hospitals, primary care offices, pharmacies, and outpatient labs:  

1. Universal Masking and Proper PPE

Munson Healthcare Mask COVID-19

Munson Healthcare providers and caregivers are taking all necessary precautions to prevent the spread of infection. Clinical employees and providers are specially trained in the proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE) to ensure your safety.

Our universal masking policy means that all employees and providers must wear a company-issued surgical mask while in a Munson Healthcare patient care facility. The only exception: healthcare professionals wearing N95 respirators while providing care for known or presumed COVID-19 positive patients. Patients and visitors will be expected to wear a Munson Healthcare issued mask, a purchased mask, or a hand-sewn mask (clean and without fabric tears) properly secured to cover both the mouth and nose.

Wearing a mask protects the people around you. If everyone wears a mask while in public, the risk of community spread can be reduced.

2. Visitor Restrictions and Daily Screening

Munson Healthcare facilities have strict visitor restrictions in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Each and every person is screened for COVID-19 before entering any of our facilities (our devoted healthcare team included). Our screenings ensure that those who may be sick with the new coronavirus are re-routed to a safe place, either back home or to an isolated unit designated strictly for COVID-19 patients. Visitors who do not pass our screening questions will not be allowed in the facility, unless they are seeking treatment.

3. Social Distancing Munson Healthcare COVID-19 Social Distance

Six feet to stop the spread! When you walk into any Munson Healthcare facility, clear and ample signage serves as a strong visual reminder to keep a minimum 6-foot distance from others. New scheduling practices featuring staggered appointment times are in place to help promote social distancing in our common spaces and waiting rooms. 

Munson Healthcare’s social distancing plan also includes work-from-home for essential offsite staff, holding meetings remotely whenever possible, and offering curbside services whenever possible.

4. Patient Cohorting

COVID-19 patients are treated in separate, isolated units in our hospitals to prevent infection spread. This video from Joe Santangelo, MD, VP of Medical Affairs for Munson Healthcare Cadillac Hospital, explains our regional approach to safe hospitalization of COVID-19 patients. 

5. Virtual Care

Munson Healthcare COVID-19 Virtual Visit See us next time from the comfort of home! Munson Healthcare doctors and medical specialists are providing secure Virtual Visits through telephone and face-to-face video appointments. Routine care 

through a smartphone, tablet, or computer is convenient for all patients and especially valuable for those most at-risk for infection. Make sure to ask your provider about virtual care the next time you schedule an appointment.

6. Disinfectant Strategies

Munson Healthcare regularly and thoroughly disinfects all facilities. Special attention is given to high-traffic areas to maximize dwell times and make sure our hallways and common areas are safe. Dwell time (also known as contact time) refers to the amount of time a solution should remain on a surface to achieve proper disinfection.

Providing the highest standard of safe and effective care means continuously evolving our safety procedures. Here at Munson Healthcare, we continuously adapt our policies to protect both our patients and our healthcare team. We regularly monitor the latest guidance from trusted sources, including the World Health Organization (WHO), Johns Hopkins University, and

Please rest assured that you can always see your Munson Healthcare doctor and receive safe care. Whether you have a simple concern, it’s time for a screening or check-up, or you require advanced medical care or hospitalization, you can expect a safe, clean setting that meets both your healthcare needs and comfort level.

We want to get you to your healthiest so you can start to feel like you again. And we’re confident you’ll find our commitment to safe patient care has only gotten stronger.