Munson Healthcare’s Emergency Departments


Munson Healthcare’s Emergency Departments

No matter which Munson Healthcare facility begins your treatment today, you are part of an elaborate network of hospitals and ambulatory practices that are fully equipped to provide the expert care you need.

Our hospital system includes Level II, III, and IV trauma centers staffed with surgeons, emergency medicine specialists, nursing, and support staff to respond to trauma patients who require life-sustaining, immediate care.

We understand that you are seeking answers and relief for your pain or illness. We will continue to utilize all available resources to provide you with timely, thorough, and thoughtful care.

Thank you for choosing Munson Healthcare.

What happens when I arrive?

Our care team is here to stabilize patients and send them to the next level of care.

  • A triage nurse will assess your illness/injury and determine if you will be placed in the waiting room or taken directly to a treatment room.
  • The nurse will discuss your illness/injury with your provider.
  • Tests may be ordered and completed either while you’re in the waiting room or a treatment room.

The Emergency Department may be busy, even if it doesn’t seem that way.

  • Patients who arrive by ambulance are admitted through the back of the department and may arrive with conditions that need immediate care by multiple caregivers.
  • Our emergency team will begin with the patients who require immediate life-saving intervention.

Please remember to alert a member of the care team if your symptoms change or worsen while you are waiting.

What happens once I get to a treatment room?

The role of Emergency Department providers is to rule out any life-threatening conditions, help with your current symptoms, and provide direction on the next steps. If tests were ordered during your visit, these results will help to determine next steps in your treatment plan.

Some conditions will require further care management. You could be advised to follow-up with your Primary Care Provider, see a specialist, or be admitted to the hospital.

If you have any questions or concerns about your care, please talk to any member of our care team. Caring for you is our top priority, and we thank you for trusting our team.

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