Why Hospice Needs Yours Support


Why Hospice Needs Your Support

Hospice is a model of care designed to focus on the comfort and quality of life for terminally ill patients by providing aspects of care they are most in need of: freedom from pain, emotional and spiritual support, and the ability to control the direction of their own care.

In addition to specialized in-home care, Munson Healthcare Home Health and Hospice offers respite care at the Hospice House on Munson Medical Center’s campus. This facility was built ten years ago - entirely through community support! The Hospice House provides an alternative to in-home care, including critical respite care for patients and their families.

There has never been a more critical time to support Munson Healthcare Hospice. Approximately $350,000 is needed annually to cover a gap in funding for hospice services.

Support Hospice Today

To make a gift to the 2024 Hospice Fundraising Breakfast, click the button below. Gifts of all sizes are needed and appreciated to support the work of Munson Hospice.

Make A Gift


"At the hospice breakfast event it was encouraging to see that there are many more people who share a deep loss – as if we were family to each other and we were surviving. I plan to attend more events that bring the wider community to share our personal experiences and to find support in the experience of others as they grieve and heal. There is strength in sharing the ups and downs of life with others, it is social and alive!"

-Hospice Breakfast 2022 Event Attendee

Your support of this event ensures all patients have access to end-of-life care, no matter their financial situation. Thank you for your generosity and compassion!