Gini Pelton's Manistee Hospital ED Challenge Fundraiser


Gini Pelton's Manistee Hospital ED Challenge Fundraiser

The Munson Healthcare Manistee Hospital Emergency Department sees roughly 15,000 patients every year in a space that was designed for half as many patients. The dedicated team of healthcare providers at Manistee Hospital provide the highest quality care to these patients each and every day. Now, it's time to create a facility that matches this level of care.

The Manistee Hospital Emergency Department renovation project will update facilities by adding space, enhancing technology, and improving patient comfort and privacy. Munson Healthcare is investing $1.5 million into this project, with the goal of raising the remaining $1 million through philanthropy. We are now just $300,000 away from reaching this goal and need your help!

Learn more about the Manistee Hospital Emergency Department Renovation Project

Make a difference today!

Donating is simple and secure. To make a gift by credit card, please fill out the following information below. Your gift is tax-deductible.

If you have questions regarding donations, please contact Munson Healthcare Foundations directly at 231-213-1150. Checks can be made payable to Munson Healthcare Foundations, with "Gini Pelton's Manistee Hospital Fundraiser" in the memo, and mailed to 1150 Medical Campus Drive, Traverse City, MI 49684.