Body Patient Portal API Request Request a Connection Webform To request an Application Programming Interface (API) to allow you to securely connect your health records to a third-party app, please complete the form below. Once we receive and review your request, we will be in touch - typically within two weeks - with next steps. Name Email Telephone What is your date of birth? What is the name of the application you would like to connect? Please list each application on a separate line (e.g. Apple Health app. MyFitnessPal, Fitbit, etc.) Choose the location or patient portal you use to access your patient records. Cadillac Surgical - mycw32 Charlevoix Hospital - Cerner Comp. Pain Management - mycw70 Empire Family Practive - mycw93 I'm not sure which patient portal I use. Infectious Disease Consultants - mycw47 Manistee Hospital Manistee Practice Offices - mycw35 Munson Behavioral Health - mycw90 Munson Medical Center - MyHealthInfo MyCancerCare Northern Michigan Urology OMH Medical Group - MyHealthRecord Otsego Memorial Hospital Traverse General Surgery - mycw53 Paul Oliver Memorial Hospital - MyHealthInfo Grayling Hospital - MyHealthInfo Cadillac Hospital - MyHealthInfo Kalkaska Memorial Health Center - MyHealthInfo Cadillac Urology Cadillac FP/OBGYN Do you have a general question? This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.