Voices for Vaccination - Pre-Selection


Voices for Vaccination Pre-Selection


1. Click image to see a full-size version or the full written piece.

2. Keep track of the NUMBER your favorite pieces to vote in the poll below!

3. This is just pre-selection - not for public voting!


1. Beating COVID

It means that because I got my COVID shot I could go to Colorado to go skiing and go to my Grandma and Grandpa's house and hug them.  I was inspired by how I felt after getting my shot. I was happy, relieved, and proud of myself.  I was protecting myself and a ton of other people, including my little sister who can't get a vaccine yet. I hope people like my picture and feel inspired to get their COVID shot.  Written by Imogen with spelling corrections by Mommy.

2. Get vaccinated

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3. Gio's Hearts

I am vaccinated because I love my family and I don;t want to make them sick. I want to go to Disney World when the sickness is gone.

4. Be Brave

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5. Asphalt Art

Sitting outside, social distancing from family for a quick visit..my 7 1/2 yr daughter drew this. I'm an essential worker at the hospital and she understood what was going on. I have another picture of her w the drawing and she's making her hands into a heart. 


6. Past Relation

To a lot of us it feels like we lost 2-3 years to the pandemic.  It came in like a hurricane and it still hasn't quite left yet.  But holding onto the time we've lost doesn't help.  It's better to reflect and move on.  So in this piece I've included clips from a Harvard article about January-February of 2020 to show how quickly the pandemic came onto us.  I've also included energy drink tabs.  Now, I am sure there are questions about that.  Well I included them to show how much we relied on them to get us through virtual school, work, etc.  The peaceful background is meant to give a calming effect, one that says "the worst is over" and "it's in the past", as said, literally, in the piece itself.

7. Vaccination Warrior

To a lot of us it feels like we lost 2-3 years to the pandemic.  It came in like a hurricane and it still hasn't quite left yet.  But holding onto the time we've lost doesn't help.  It's better to reflect and move on.  So in this piece I've included clips from a Harvard article about January-February of 2020 to show how quickly the pandemic came onto us.  I've also included energy drink tabs.  Now, I am sure there are questions about that.  Well I included them to show how much we relied on them to get us through virtual school, work, etc.  The peaceful background is meant to give a calming effect, one that says "the worst is over" and "it's in the past", as said, literally, in the piece itself.

8. Get the Vax, Lose the Mask

I depicted a syringe filled with the heads of masked people, with anxious and sad eyes. Coming out of the syringe was happy smiling faces that are mask free. Get the vax, Lose the mask. Something that inspired me to do this piece is my sister who is a nurse. During the height of the pandemic in 2020, she was pregnant and worked long hard shifts in the ICU. She has experienced covid first hand and knowing that I understand the importance of vaccination, I hope others do too.

9. Vaccination

I had a lot of fun writing this and think it's important to get vaccinated!

10. Voices for Vaccination

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11. Art

This is a piece I made as soon as my mom told me about it because I think it’s very important for people to get vaccinated! It saves lives!

12. Get Vaccinated

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13. Dose of Joy

This piece is meant to represent how vaccines will ensure our future is happier, healthier, and richer. It shows a rainbow of color coming from the vaccine, which shows the positivity they create. Joy happens when you can see family and friends, leave your home without fear, and travel the world. All these things are made possible by vaccines. I chose the phrase "Choose a brighter future" because I think it reminds people that everyone has the choice to get vaccinated and how important that choice is for themself and others. By choosing to get vaccinated, you are protecting immunocompromised individuals and ensuring that everyone has access to the things that make life worth living. I understand that misinformation has led many to believe that vaccines are dangerous and risky. I hope this piece will leave people remembering that vaccines are a miracle and a joy that our generation is fortunate to have access to.

14. Why You Should Consider Getting the Vaccine

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15. World Strength

I hope people are inspired to get the shots to strengthen the world.

16. I'm Falling Ill

This piece explains how people could possibly feel when they have covid. It is a picture of me falling into a portal of illness. What inspired my work is that everyone gets sick sometimes, but you can prevent getting sick or get less sick if you get the vaccine.  I hope the thing people will take from viewing my picture is that Covid 19 is a serious illness and that so many people around the world die every day from it.

17. Family Reunion

In the news it shows the vaccine worked. A family embraces for the first time in years as a whole family.

18. Save the World

Getting a vaccine: You would probably rather just get it over quicker than wearing a mask forever.

19. Blooming Medicine

I feel flowers give a sense of hope and gives colour to the world so I incorporated that into a syringe as a way to show the vaccine gives hope

20. The Other Side

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21. The Vaccine Helps

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23. Thrive

The words on the painting (don't just survive, thrive) to me mean that in order to live your best life in these current times, you should be able to go out and support other people or do something fun. One of the best ways to do is to get vaccinated.

24. The Girl Who Got Vaccinated

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25. The Vaccine Works

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26. Rainbow Spiderman

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27. Untitled

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28. Untitled

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29Y. The Shot

I am on my school’s basketball team, so that was my inspiration, In basketball, you have to be in the best position. The best position against COVID-19 and other sicknesses is vaccination!


29A. Community

I am hoping that the "human" community will relate to the "farm" community and realize the importance of protecting communities through vaccinations.

30. Vaccine 

"Vaccine Verse" is a piece of poetry that urges those who are on the fence to get their vaccine. The poem promotes a mask-free, healthy society that can only be achieved by mutual agreement about the effectiveness of vaccines. My sincere hope is that those who read the poem will be enlightened with a new perspective that not only alters their way of thinking, but allows them to make a valuable contribution to the health of today's world.

31. Waiting for a Solution

While stuck at home during lockdown I made this piece to reflect my thoughts on what was happening, hoping for a solution!

32. Tired BY Covid. Tired OF Covid.

I found it difficult to be inspired because, like many, I am tired of Covid. So that became my inspiration. Science backed measures prevent the disease and serious complications while reducing its spread. I hope people who see this feel heard and reminded to do the right things.

33. Herd Immunity RPG

I wanted to show herd immunity in a way that might make it easier to understand by showing it as similar to a video game. Due to the fact that the health care workers around the child are vaccinated, they are protected from Covid-19 which will help keep the child safe from infection. I added some symbolism, with the child’s hat gold for children’s cancer, and the hospital gown orange for leukemia. The line art is also symbolic, as the line art for the armor is thicker, to show its strength, while in contrast the child’s line art is thin, to represent their frail health. I hope people will realize that getting vaccinated helps protect people who are unable to be vaccinated, such as people who are sick.

34. Bubbles in the Wind

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35. MUNSON, we're in this together

The orange band-aid on the arms of the vaccinated are worn by old, young, man, woman together to protect each other and the vulnerable.


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37. We All Make Ripples

As an educator striving to reach our youth and make a long term visible impact, I have found art to be my vessel to enclose my deepest and truest feelings, hopes, fears and prayers.  I have been blessed to teach thousands of students, over a dozen races and nationalities and abilities ranging from non verbal, paralyzed to gifted and talented and athletes.   I owe it to ALL that I've reach, and those that are in my future to set an example by protecting those who cannot yet protect themselves.  Vaccinations are a gift from God, a means to protect and respect those I share this land with.  I chose to use colors found in the Anishnaabe and other similar Nations medicine wheel.  Their teachings touch to the 4 colors representing race, the seasons, and cardinal direction.  I choose to pray, and to point my compass north.  I choose to vaccinate myself, and my family and to take care of my body so I can continue to spread the joy of art to my students and my world.  The Dalai Lama once imparted this knowledge that I carry with me, and I place in this piece. " Just as ripples spread out when a single pebble is dropped into water, the actions of individuals can have far-reaching effects."

38. Take One for the Team

Regarding my piece and inspiration- I'm a big advocate for vaccines. The importance of vaccines was once described to me as a circle of protection. When herd immunity is achieved, we can better protect those who cannot be vaccinated and the immune-comprimised. That's why it's so important to get vaccinated if you can, not only for yourself, but for your community, your team. I hope my piece can aid in vaccine education and awareness  to help keep our communities healthy.

39. Post covid Kiss

inspired by the V-J Day kiss in time square. The war was over and the service member was so excited he kissed a near by nurse. This shows a similar meaning with fighting a war in healthcare and a physician kisses the scientist. So happy the vaccine worked and the war is over.

40. Facing COVID

I had the privilege of working with a dedicated group of healthcare professionals who spent countless hours working to protect and care for our community. They have faced this pandemic head on, learning as much as they could as quickly as possible and translating that into ways to minimize the risk of this virus. A new language, new behaviors, and new preventative measures and treatments have come out of that work including safe and effective vaccines. 

Their motives are genuine and true. They care for this community and have put processes in place to keep us safe - vaccination is one of them. Take this lifeline - take care of yourself and others - get vaccinated if you can.

41. Breathe Into Silver Linings

I am a person who thrives on routine. With COVID, I had to learn to adapt and roll with the constant changes. It was hard, but it also allowed me to learn new things about myself and to appreciate my home and support network even more. For this piece, I let go of structure and routine and allowed myself to paint and create what I was feeling. The photography is from the many journeys I had during these past 2 years, the clay is a mug I created and destroyed, the “breathe� braided yarn is from a project where I learned how to knit last year. All of this reflecting the beauty and power of nature, especially for our beautiful trails and nature preserves, and how a hike can be a healing experience. Vaccines have given me the safety to go outside and explore and to create new art. I hope people will see this piece and take time to reflect on all the ups and downs they’ve experienced since the start of the pandemic (the art is tactile too!).

42. The Vulnerable

I'm a cancer survivor. I went through chemo in 2019-2020. And I have had many friends over 2020 get cancer diagnosis and then go through chemo in 2020-2022. I chose to do a painting of a general person who is going through chemo instead of a self portrait, because it can be anyone who is going through chemo and is immunocompromised. I want people who are on the fence about being vaccinated realize that even if it isn't to protect themselves it is to protect the vulnerable. I want the piece to stand on its own, I believe that it will inspire the reaction and thought that is needed based from person to person.

43. Choose Life

I chose to use uncommon materials.  Peg board for my base to indicate the vaccination  marks, covered in lace to mean long life and a bouquet of flowers for a good life to come..I would donate the piece depending on where it is located.

44. First light

This work is deeply personal to me as a healthcare worker who spent most of the pandemic either working the Covid unit or the ER at Munson. Being “in the trenches� was unforgettably painful as I watched patients suffer from such a vengeful illness. But it was inspiring to be a part of the teams of people that worked tirelessly through it all. When the vaccine came out I got it in the first week without hesitation, because it was the first light of hope I had that we could eventually beat this pandemic.

45. Left Healthy Vaccinated Woman - Right unvaccinated

I am hoping the clear image of the healthy vaccinated woman on the left vs. the sick woman on the right will tell the story.



47. Slaying Covid-19

I wanted to put a different spin on the battle against Covid-19. I wanted to demonstrated how getting vaccinated is one of our greatest weapons!

48. The People's Guardian

This painting was envisioned after dealing with several months of covid.  It was painted as a way to give people hope against covid while we all faced the unknown.

49. It Just Ain't True

I started writing this in the early days of Covid 19 and envisioned it as a country western song.  The poem was updated and expanded for this contest.

50. Magnificent Bounty in Blue

This was one of my first paintings I did years ago and these are one of my favorite flowers. I just love painting flowers and I hope it brings others joy to look at it.

51. Love on Tuesday

This piece reflects Father Time (on the left, the moon) and Mother Earth (on the right, the sun) - both measurements of time, but they represent the controlling forces affecting the world and our children, mothers and fathers. The world before vaccines is a world we can’t afford to forget. With the development of vaccines, children are no longer threatened by deadly infection at their most vulnerable stage, and instead are given a foundation for health and wellness to last a lifetime. My inspiration for this work came from a place of hope during the height of the pandemic from this Tewa (Pueblo) poem: "Oh our Mother the Earth, oh our Father the Time, Your children are we, and with tired backs We bring you the gifts that you love Then weave for for us a garment of brightness;May the warp be the white light of morning, May the weft be the red light of evening, May the fringes be the falling rain, May the border be the standing rainbow. Thus weave for us a garment of brightness That we may walk fittingly where birds sing, That we may walk fittingly where grass is green, Oh our Mother the Earth, of our Father the Time!" My hope is that viewers will feel the warmth and joy of life for the world as a whole, experience the deep fabric of love on a individual level, and to get more information on vaccinations from a medical professional, to protect their loved ones and their community.

52. Sacred Bond

Reference photo taken in Rwanda during a pilgrimage of conscience after the 1994 Rwandan Genocide Against the Tutsi. In Rwanda the pandemic lockdown restrictions have been far more severe with much harsher consequences for non-compliance that in USA. I hope people will recognize the sanctity of the bond between mother and child, between generations and between community members. I hope they will understand the inestimable value of breath, of community, and that the bond between loved ones cannot be broken even in death, whether death is caused by a genocide or a global pandemic. And I hope people will be moved to care for each other, the way a mother cares for a child.

53. Strong Together

This was originally inspired by the "we can do it" poster from WWII with the woman with her sleeve rolled up and flexing her muscle. It then turned into multiple people who are vaccinated working together to pull the covid virus into the disinfectant. I hope this piece will let people take away a sense of community and fighting this pandemic together. I hope it inspires everyone to do their part and help the fight against covid.

54. Until It's Not

My brother was admitted to the hospital and we thought we were going to lose him.  He was unvaccinated and "it's just like the flu" was something that he had said to me before his hospitalization.  I don't know if being vaccinated would have made a difference in his journey but if I can encourage just one person to get the vaccine and help them avoid going through this I have made my point!  I think that people are unaware of just how devastating COVID can be to someone. I am so thankful that I still have my brother, his wife still has her husband, his kids still have their Dad, my Mom still has her son.  Not every family is so lucky.

55. "Gratitude"

I am not an artist but wanted to participate in Voices for Vaccination to show my profound gratitude to the MHC team and their community partners for all they have done over the past two years to care for our community.  These heroes have worked tirelessly and risked their own health and well-being to save the lives of so many of our neighbors, most of whom have chosen to either remain unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated against Covid-19.  I hope my banner conveys my depth of gratitude to our Northern Michigan healthcare team with the hope that it will encourage others in our community to feel the same level of gratitude and protect themselves, and our healthcare workers, through vaccination.



56. Cosmonaut

Hi! I'm Allie Jade. I'm a multi-instrumentalist singer/songwriter/producer. I saw your story on 9&10 news, as I actually work at 9&10! I'm a local musician and this is my newest song Cosmonaut. It was written, performed, and produced by me, as well as the music video. I hope this will inspire people to stay safe and get vaccinated during this global pandemic so we can all follow our dreams.

57. Mikwendaagozi (Remember Them) Anishinaabe Ribbon Skirt

As a family we worked together to create a ribbon skirt to honor and remember those in our tribe (LTBB) that have walked on due to COVID - 16 stars to represent the citizens and layers of star ribbons to represent our tribal relations and greater community. We did this as a family for healing. We want the greater community to know that vaccines are important to us, because COVID stops our tennets (other community events).

58. Wear a Mask

This rewrite of "Take These Chains From My Heart" occurred to me almost spontaneously in the early months of the pandemic.The words are funny, pointed and appropriate.  I have no way of recording this for submission but if you are interested, I'll be happy to make myself available for a recording session.