Meet Waddles!

Waddles joined Munson Healthcare in 2017 to help keep our healthcare teams safe. As you know, northern Michigan winters can be challenging and he wanted to share tips and best practices for safe winter walking.
His “Walk Like a Penguin” safety message worked so well with our staff that we saw a significant reduction in slips, trips, and falls. The waddle works!
Waddles Introduced throughout Northern Michigan
Next, we decided to introduce him to our communities throughout northern Michigan. Over the past couple of years, he has offered up safe walking tips for every season — both indoors and out — to our healthcare teams and you! Click here to download our safe winter walking tips poster featuring Waddles. And for more information, take a look at our "Safe Winter Walking: Walk Like a Penguin" blog!

Waddles Avoids COVID-19 Today

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, our feathered friend “stepped” up to do more. In addition to working his waddle, he is showing everyone how to wear masks the right way so it not only protects us but the people around us as we all strive to avoid respiratory illness.
He saw the many creative ways people were wearing masks and came up with the following message to help: Under the Chin is Where it Begins and Over the Nose is Where it Goes.
We’ve distributed Waddles’ new message to numerous places in our communities so don’t be surprised if you see it popping up everywhere. Trust us, when it comes to safety, the penguin knows!
For more information on masking and other safe practices to reduce the spread of COVID-19, check out our “Over the Nose is Where it Goes” blog. And to get a Waddles’ masking poster of your own, click here.
Waddles Gets Vaccinated

Now, with the COVID-19 vaccine available to children ages 5-11, Waddles decided he wanted to step up again and help protect as many children (and their families) as possible.
Although it was a little scary, Waddles got his COVID-19 vaccination and is promoting the availability of vaccinations in pediatric clinics and family doctors’ offices.
Click here to see Waddles’ vaccination poster.
Waddles and the Bayshore Kids Marathon

In May of 2022, Waddles decided to have some fun and became the face of the Munson Healthcare Bayshore Kids Marathon. He encourages kids to get active and run healthy, smart, and most importantly, safe. He had a great time on race day and enjoyed hanging out with the hundreds of kids who participated in the fun run.
Waddles and Summer Safety

During the summer of 2022, Waddles expanded his safety zone even further and helped Munson Healthcare get information out to the public about safe grilling as well as swimming and boating safety, some of our favorite summer pastimes in northern Michigan!
No matter what Waddles is up to — whether he’s walking, running, masking, grilling or swimming — he always has one goal: keeping people safe!