

NMSA Services

NMSA maintains a major central warehouse and distribution center in Traverse City. Staff members perform value analysis, select products, place and follow up on all purchase orders, manage accounts payable, as well as all logistical functions, such as warehousing and internal supply distribution.

Product Sourcing and Selection

Product Sourcing and Selection coordinates value analysis (intelligent product selection), contract negotiation, implementation, management and compliance, product standardization, and management of supplier relations.


This includes stockless and bulk distribution from the NMSA central warehouse, receiving and in-hospital supply delivery/distribution, par level management, and medical supply inventory management functions at all sites.


Our central purchasing staff buys all inventory and non-inventory medical/surgical supplies, capital, and services for all of our members. Purchasing staff also manages the Materials Management Information System (MMIS) database maintenance and training, electronic and physical contract files, and P-card program.


NMSA couriers provide scheduled daily transport of U.S. mail, interoffice mail, small packages, and medical supplies to the Munson Medical Center campuses, offsite physician offices, clinics, and the NMSA distribution center. NMSA couriers also provide delivery of home infusion products to patients of Munson Medical Center's home infusion program.


The Mailroom, located at Munson Medical Center, processes and delivers both U.S. postal mail and interoffice departmental mail. Mailroom services are supplied to offsite locations by delivery and pick-up services provided by the NMSA courier service.

Records Storage

The records storage facility was built in 2012 as an addition to the existing NMSA warehouse. This 15,000-square-foot facility stores boxed medical records, X-ray film, laboratory blocks and slides, etc., and serves all Munson Healthcare facilities. All stored records are barcoded and logged in a proprietary software system for ease of identification and retrieval. The NMSA records storage facility is a full-service operation that pulls and delivers needed files on a daily basis and also retrieves and re-files the records when they are ready to be stored again.