Pre-Hospital Trama Conference


Pre-Hospital Trauma Conference

Continuing pre-hospital education is vital to improving patient outcome and provides an excellent opportunity to review and refine patient pre-hospital care initiatives. The Trauma Burn Center Pre-Hospital Trauma Conference is designed to meet the educational objectives of pre-hospital and hospital personnel.

There is no charge to participate via REMEC TeleHealth Network.  Any connection cost are the responsibility of the participating site.

Evaluations, Sign-In Sheets and Handouts will be available to download 2 -3 days prior to the presentation.

Credit will be assigned only if the appropriate forms have been completed and submitted to the Trauma Burn Center office. Accreditation Statements are available at this link.


Attendence Form

Evaluation Form

Nursing CE Document

Nursing Sign In


Please send all completed forms to:

1B407 University Hospital
1500 East Medical Center Drive
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Attn: Christopher Wagner