Hospice myGiving


Together We Can Make a Difference at Munson Healthcare Hospice

Did you know you can give a gift of any size? Each and every gift - from $1 to $1,000 matters!

Your compassion and support is gratefully acknowledged and appreciated by those in our community. For those facing health challenges or difficult times, the knowledge that they are getting financial support from our community of caring Munson Healthcare employees will have a lasting impact. We currently have over 1000 Munson employees making donations to help the patients and families we serve and we hope you will consider joining this special group of caring people.

Thank you for your gift and for being a part of a caring community!


myGiving: Munson Healthcare Hospice

Your Information

Your Gift Amount

Select the amount per pay period for your gift. If you wish you change or end your giving at any time, you may do so by notifying the foundation at 231-213-1162 or foundation@mhc.net.
Gift Amount
Complete all required fields above and click the Submit button to make your gift. You will be redirected to a confirmation page.
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