Bringing Comfort and Joy to NICU Parents: Heather's Story


Bringing Comfort and Joy to NICU Parents:

Heather and Eva's Story

heather and eva shaner with gift bags for nicu families

"Our daughter, Eva, was born 10 weeks premature. She spent five weeks in the NICU, fighting and healing. As a first-time mama, delivering my daughter many weeks before her due date was something a parent should not have have to endure. But it happens…

Last year on Mother's Day I spent my day sitting by my daughter in the NICU. Sad, alone, and isolated, I found comfort in reading to her because I couldn’t always hold her. Reading to her seemed to calm my soul and she seemed more relaxed hearing my voice.

On Mother’s Day this year, I wanted to give back and bring comfort and a little piece of joy to other parents sitting by their child in the NICU.

I teamed [up] with my friend Stacey Skrysak, the founder of Triple Heart Foundation, to deliver goodie bags to NICU parents at Munson Medical Center. At any given time, there are between 10 and 20 babies admitted to the NICU at Munson Medical Center.

Thank you Triple Heart Foundation for donating all of the bags stuffed with books, notebooks, pens and bookmarks.

Read to your babies, they love hearing your voice. It’s proven that reading to them will help them grow and feel loved.

Together, we heal hearts."

-Heather Shaner