Hearing Services


Hearing Services We Offer

Auditory Brainstem Response Testing

Auditory Brainstem Response testing (ABR) evaluates the function of the hearing nerve. This is a safe and comfortable test. An audiologist measures how sound travels along the hearing nerve by placing an electrode on your forehead, as well as on each earlobe.  Small earphones are inserted into the ears and the patient will hear a clicking noise, which may change in volume. 

During the test, the patient must lie quietly with their eyes closed. Lights will be turned down. It is okay to sleep during the test. The test takes about one hour for adults and two hours for children. 

ABR for Children

It is often necessary to deprive an infant or child of sleep prior to testing so they will sleep during the screening. You can do this by waking them up earlier than normal and not letting them sleep in the car. Testing usually cannot be performed on children who are awake. If other children are coming with you, please bring another adult along to supervise them during the test. 

Cochlear Implants

Our team offers cochlear implant evaluations and consultations to determine if a patient is a cochlear implant candidate. If a patient proceeds with selection and implantation, our team will also complete the activations and the necessary follow-up.

Custom Made Ear Protection

Custom ear protection devices are available for those who are exposed to loud noises for extended periods of time, such as musicians, industrial workers, and those who frequently use firearms. 

Hearing Evaluations

A hearing evaluation assesses the type and severity of hearing loss. Testing is also performed to measure how well the middle ear is functioning. Hearing evaluations can be performed on infants, children, and adults.          

Newborn Hearing Screenings 

All babies born at Munson Healthcare hospitals in Cadillac, Gaylord, Grayling, and Traverse City have their hearing screened to rule out hearing loss.

Otoacoustic Emissions Test 

Otoacoustic emissions testing (OAE) measures the inner ear's response to sound.  A small microphone placed in the ear canal measures the response of the cochlea. The patient will hear a series of very soft tones, similar to an echo. A normal hearing ear will send the sound back out and record it while an ear that has hearing loss will not. OAE testing does not require the patient to respond. It can be used to assess the hearing of adults and children and is often used to screen the hearing of newborn infants.  

Selection and Fitting of Hearing Aids 

The William and Leni Carls Hearing Clinic dispenses a variety of different hearing aids. Our experienced audiologists will help select the most appropriate hearing aids, according to your hearing loss and needs. Their personalized service includes follow-up care, answering any questions you may have, and competitive prices for customized hearing aids and devices. 


Videonystagmography (VNG) is a series of tests that evaluates how well the eyes, inner ear, and brain help a person maintain balance and a sense of position. VNG measures certain involuntary eye movements called nystagmus. These eye movements occur normally when the head is moved. Spontaneous or prolonged nystagmus may be associated with certain conditions that affect the nerves or structures of the inner ear or brain. 

During VNG testing, a patient wears goggles that track eye movements. The patient will be asked to track some lights and change positions. These motions sometimes trigger vertigo or dizziness. Near the end of the test, the audiologist will induce air (warm and cool) into the ear canal. This may or may not cause dizziness. In most cases, the dizziness is very brief. 

Let Us Help You Hear

Schedule an appointment for a hearing evaluation by calling 231-935-6455 or email hearing@mhc.net.