Protecting Workforce Safety
Employee physicals are designed to keep workers safe and healthy on the job. They are part of good preventive care.
For those who work in high risk, safety-sensitive, physically demanding, or potentially dangerous jobs, periodic medical monitoring, physicals, or drug and alcohol testing are required by law to protect both the employee and the public.
Munson Healthcare provides employers with a wide range of job safety physicals, making it easy for businesses to comply with state and federal regulations.
Please note: Occupational Health and Medicine Services vary by location. Please contact us to find the best location for your needs.
Commercial Motor Vehicle Driver Physicals
To reduce the occurrence of crashes and injuries involving large trucks and buses, the Department of Transportation (DOT) requires employers to ensure drivers are physically and mentally able to perform their jobs safely.
Munson Healthcare is a leading provider of DOT physicals administered by certified medical examiners. Drivers can receive a DOT-compliant physical at our offices in Grayling and Traverse City
Employment Physicals
Munson Healthcare ensures your employees have access to the best coordinated care. We provide annual screenings and physicals, both pre-placement and post-employment, as well as the following specialized exams.
- Department of Transportation (DOT) exams
- Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) physicals (Cadillac and Traverse City only)
- HAZMAT physicals
- Post-offer, pre-placement physicals
- Pulmonary function testing
- Respiratory physicals
- U.S. Coast Guard physicals
For More Information
Employers can set up an account prior to sending an employee for a physical. For more information about how to set up employee physicals at Munson Healthcare Occupational Health and Medicine, contact one of our convenient office locations.