Virtual Behavioral Health
Behavioral health services through virtual visits allow patients and providers to safely connect while complying with COVID-19 social distancing guidelines. Here are some of the services currently available through virtual visits.
Virtual Behavioral Health: Outpatient Services
Many outpatient services for behavioral health are now available through virtual visits. This allows patients to stay connected and benefit from the convenience of a virtual visit.
- Recovery coaching
- Virtual IOPE (Intensive Substance Use Disorder Evening services
- Outpatient psychiatry
- Outpatient Substance Use Disorder
Virtual Behavioral Health: Partial Hospital Program
The Partial Hospital Program is accessible through virtual visits. Talk to your provider about getting a referral for these services.
- Once you have a referral from your provider, call 231-935-6880 to start the intake process.
- New patients will be seen in person on first day for nursing, Psycho-social and Psychiatric assessments, and set up for virtual programming.
- Patients will then “attend” PHP through ZOOM Healthcare 9:00 AM – 2:15 PM Monday through Friday.