Cancer Care for Vacationing Patients

Thank you for considering Munson Healthcare Cancer Services to continue your treatment while on a short-term or extended vacation. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to enjoy the freedom of travel while being treated for cancer..
If you have any questions or would like more information about our services, please contact us:
Insurance and Pre-authorization for Treatment
In order to protect you from unexpected expenses, prior authorization may need to be obtained in order for you to receive treatment at Munson Healthcare infusion service clinics.
Our staff will need two weeks prior to your arrival in order to complete the pre-authorization.
You can help to expedite this process. Contact your insurance carrier to obtain a written response to the following questions:
- Do I have coverage for outpatient services out of area?
- Do medical services or injection/infusion services or radiation therapy services require prior authorization?
In addition, please provide:
- Primary insurance company name, phone number, and ID
- Secondary insurance company name, phone number, and ID
Medical Records
All patients should provide the following records:
- List of current medications
- Medical history, physical, and oncologist consultation
- Pathology report
- Radiology report
- Recent lab results
Clinical Trials
Are you on a clinical trial? If so, please let us know. If you are on a clinical trial, you will also need to verify with your research nurse that you can receive services at the Cowell Family Cancer Center.
Chemotherapy and Infusion Services
Munson Healthcare infusion service clinics provide a comfortable and relaxing environment. Our infusion clinics are staffed with experienced registered nurses who specialize in the care of patients with cancer and chronic diseases. All of our nurses are certified to give chemotherapy. The clinics also have access to a full service specialty pharmacy.
An appointment with one of our oncologists is required for anyone receiving treatment within a Munson Healthcare infusion clinic. During this appointment, the oncologist will review your treatment plan and will serve as your local resource moving forward.
For chemotherapy and infusion services, please provide the following records for pre-authorization:
- Current chemotherapy regimen and flow sheet listing past treatments
- Latest echocardiogram or MUGA scan report (only required for patients receiving Doxorubicin, liposomal doxorubicin, daunorubicin, epirubicin idarubicin, valrubicin, mitoxantrone, trastuzumab (Herceptin), pertuzumab (Perieta), azo-trastuzumab, emtansine (Kadcyla)
- Latest pulmonary function test (only required if you are receiving Bleomycin)
- If you are receiving any of the following medications, provide current lifetime dose: doxorubicin, liposomal doxorubicin, daunorubicin, epirubicin, idarubicin, valrubicin, mitozantrone, bleomycin
Radiation Therapy Services
At the Cowell Family Cancer Center in Traverse City, we use the most recent advances in radiation therapy equipment and techniques to deliver quality patient care. Our services include brachytherapy, CT simulation, external beam radiation therapy (EBRT), image guided radiation therapy (IGRT), intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), and stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) and stereotactic radiotherapy (SRT).
A visit with one of our radiation oncologists is required prior to treatment.
Only full courses of treatment will be given to patients.
For radiation therapy services, please provide the following records for pre-authorization:
- Treatment imaging
- Treatment summaries from all previous radiation therapy
- Current radiation therapy treatment plans
Submit Your Information
Please submit your insurance information (including written pre-authorization for treatment), medical records, clinical trial information, and infusion and/or radiation records two weeks prior to your arrival for treatment or submit to the Munson Healthcare infusion clinic closest to you.
By email:
Our physicians practice according to national guidelines and evidence based practice and therefore reserve the right to decline taking on your care for treatment plans that do not meet these standards.