Ambulatory: Downtime Procedures
Additional Forms
Care Forms
- 6 Minute Walk Test
- Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (AIMS)
- Allergy Injection
- Antepartum Intake
- Anticoagulation Therapy Management
- ASQ Ask Suicide - Screening Questions
- Asthma Control Test (ACT) 12 Years and Over
- Asthma Control Test (ACT) Under 12 Years
- AUA BPH Symptom Screening
- Audiology Assessment
- Audiology Intake
- AUDIT Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test
- AUDIT-C Questionnaire
- Bladder Scan PVR
- Cardiology Intake
- Care Team
- CHA2DS2-VASc Screening
- Comprehensive Intake
- Conley Fall Risk Scale
- COPD Assessment Test (CAT)
- CRAFFT Screening
- Croup Score
- C-SSRS Suicide Risk Assessment
- C-SSRS - Screen Version Recent
- DAST-10 Screening Test
- Diabetes Assessment and Education
- Diabetes Eye Exam
- Diabetes Foot Exam
- Dizziness Case History
- Domestic Abuse Assessment
- Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale
- Edmonton Symptom Assessment System ESAS-r
- Enrollment & Consent
- Epworth Sleepiness Scale
- Fetal Genetic Screening
- GAD-7 Anxiety Severity
- Geriatric Depression Scale - 15
- Healthcare Decision Maker
- Hearing Screen
- Infectious Disease Risk Screening
- Life Events Checklist Self Report (LEC-5)
- Limited Evaluation
- LVAD Interrogation
- M-CHAT-R Screening
- Medicare Annual Wellness Visit (AWV)
- Mid Parental Height (Female)
- Mid Parental Height (Male)
- Modified Mini Mental Status Exam (3MS)
- NICHQ Vanderbilt Assessment Scale Parent Informant
- NICHQ Vanderbilt Assessment Parent Informant - Follow Up
- NICHQ Vanderbilt Assessment Scale Teacher Informant
- NICHQ Vanderbilt Assessment Teacher Informant - Follow Up
- Nurse Visit
- Opioid Risk Tool
- Pacemaker/ICD/CRT Follow-Up
- Patient Care Alerts
- Patient Provided Vital Signs
- Patient Reported COVID 19 Result
- Patient Safety Plan
- PHQ-2 and PHQ-9
- PTSD Checklist (PCL-5)
- Pulse Oximetry POC
- Quality Measures
- Quick Intake
- Request & Accept Summary of Care (SOC) Denominator Exclusion
- REVEAL Lite 2 Risk Calculator
- SHIM Screening
- Smoking Cessation
- Social Determinants (PRAPARE)
- Stanford Sleepiness Scale
- Subjective Opioid Withdrawal Scale (SOWS)
- Time Out Documentation
- Timed Up and Go Test
- TOLAC Patient Safety Checklist
- Transcribed Glucose Management Indicator (GMI)
- Transcribed HbA1C Result
- Transcribed Laboratory Results
- Videonystagmography (VNG) Test results
- Vision Testing
- Vital Signs and Measurements
- WellRx Questionnaire
Care Management
- Care Management Billing
- Care Management Face to Face Visit
- Care Management Initial Assessment
- Care Management Telephone/Coordination Codes
Downtime Instructions
- Accessing Patient Education During Downtime
- Accessing the Downtime Report
- Downtime Process
- Downtime Survival Kit Assembly Guide
- In-Office Spirometry Downtime
- nCode Downtime
Point of Care
- Abuse/Neglect Screening Task
- Albumin/Creatinine Urine Ratio
- Anorectal Manometry Test
- Breath Hydrogen Test
- COVID-19 Antigen
- Glucometer Result
- HbA1C
- Hemoglobin
- HIV 1/2 Ag/Ab Rapid
- Influenza A & B, SARS Screen
- Influenza A & B Screen
- KOH Fungal Prep
- Mono Screen
- Peak Flow
- Stool Studies
- Strep Screen
- TB PPD Skin Test
- Transcutaneous Bilirubin
- Urinalysis (Multistix)
- Urine Drug Screen
- Urine Microscopy
- Urine Pregnancy
- Urine Rapid Fentanyl
- Vaginal Wet Mount
Provider Forms
- Additional Notes
- OPR Downtime for PerfectServe Clinical Collaboration
- Patient Procedure
- Patient Visit Downtime