Forms Required for Clinical Rotation


Munson Healthcare - MMC Student Hub

Please review, complete all requirements, and submit all required documents PRIOR to your clinical

Student Orientation/Safety Education

To be completed by all students

*NMC students may complete through NMC's online learning system if available

  1. Review the Student Orientation / Safety Education
  2. Review the following documents: NPSG, Waste Stream, Emergency Code Activation, Emergency Code Response
  3. After viewing course materials, print and complete the Safety Education Test
  4. Return the completed test to your instructor / educational organization representative

Student Orientation/Specialty Education – USP 800

To be completed by all students

*NMC students may complete through NMC's online learning system if available

  1. Review the Student Orientation / Specialty / USP800
  2. After viewing course materials, print and complete the USP 800 Education Test
  3. After viewing course materials, print and complete the Hazardous Drug Acknowledgement
  4. Return the completed form to your instructor / educational organization representative

Student Orientation/Specialty Education – COVID-19

To be completed by all students

*NMC students may complete through NMC's online learning system if available

  1. Take the course COVID-19: Epidemiology, Modes of Transmission and Protecting Yourself with PPE through the International Center for Regulatory Scholarship
  2. After viewing course materials, print and complete the COVID-19 Education Test
  3. Return the completed form to your instructor / educational organization representative

HIPAA Privacy and Security Education: Initial

To be completed by all students

*NMC students may complete through NMC's online learning system if available

  1. Review the HIPAA Privacy / Security Education
  2. After viewing course materials, print and complete the HIPAA Privacy and Security Test
  3. Return the completed test to your instructor / educational organization representative

Confidentiality Agreement & System Access Request

To be completed by all students

  1. Print, read, and sign the Confidentiality Agreement

For nursing students who require access to computer systems during the clinical experience:

  1. Type all required information into the Computer System Access Request form
  2. Print form, sign, and return to your instructor / educational organization representative

NOTE: Nursing students in clinical cohorts from Baker and NMC will receive this form from the college

Student Parking

ALL STUDENTS must park in Lot Q 

This includes MHC employees who are at MMC in a student capacity.

*Nursing students in clinical cohorts from Baker and NMC do not need to submit

  1. Review the Student Parking Map
  2. Print, read, and complete the Student Parking Registration
  3. Bring the form MMC to receive a temporary parking permit