Take Charge of Your Diabetes
Dealing with your diabetes can feel overwhelming, but with good management, people can lead long and healthy lives. Every individual has unique needs, but it’s important to follow a regular care schedule with screenings and check-ins with your care team. Work with your doctor and Diabetes Care and Education Specialist to develop a plan and monitor your progress.
It’s never too early or too late to start making lifestyle changes to support your health.
Education and information are powerful tools that can help you prevent diabetes or live well with diabetes.
Work alongside a Diabetes Care and Education Specialist to develop a care plan that meets your unique needs. Diabetes education isn’t meant to be done once. It can – and should – be part of your regular care schedule. Most insurances now cover diabetes education at four key times:
- At diagnosis
- Annually and/or when not meeting treatment targets
- When complicating factors develop
- 4. During transitions in life and care
Munson Healthcare offers several classes and programs to help you thrive.

Living with diabetes can be challenging, but it’s much more manageable with expert tips at hand. Get the support you need with Text for Tips. To opt-in, complete this quick and easy form. Each week, you’ll get timely tips and reminders, diabetes-friendly recipes, encouragement and more.
Managing a chronic disease can be stressful. It’s important to take care of your mental health as you’re making lifestyle changes to support your physical health. Find resources that can help:
It can be difficult to manage your chronic disease if you are struggling to meet basic needs.
If you have experienced worry or stress about housing or shelter, food, bills, utility assistance, childcare, medical care transportation, disaster recovery, counseling and more, free resources are available to support you.