Questions for Munson Healthcare Leaders


Questions, Comments and Suggestions for Munson Healthcare Leadership

Is there something you want to ask, suggest or recommend to a member of the Munson Healthcare leadership team? This page is here for you to share your thoughts, concerns and questions, which can be sent anonymously if you prefer. 

What you should know before sharing:

  • If you have a very specific question relevant to your role, we recommend you ask your manager first. If your manager is unable to answer your question, you’re welcome to ask it here, but please understand that we may not have an immediate answer to every question.
  • If you would like the opportunity to receive a direct response, please include your email address. 
  • If you prefer to remain anonymous, you have the option not to include your contact information, but we do ask that you share your most relevant facility so we can identify any trends in the concerns or questions being reported. 
  • Answers to questions may be provided directly, or it may be addressed in a larger upcoming communication like an Ed Talks Webinar, a message from your hospital president, or a town hall or forum.  
  • Please know that even if you don’t receive a direct or prompt answer, every question is received by a member of the MHC Communications team, is reviewed and then escalated to the appropriate leader. 

Submit a Question, Comment or Suggestion for the Leadership Team

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