Meditation is a mind-body process in which a person uses concentration or reflection to relax the body and calm the mind.
The Health and Wellness Suite Meditation Room at the Cowell Family Cancer Center promotes emotional and spiritual health and provides meditation space for quiet or active meditation. The room features four beautiful, locally handcrafted stained glass pieces depicting the four seasons. Look for our community’s rare local treasure – Petoskey stones – represented in this art. Meditation pillows and candles create a quiet space for personal reflection.
Our resource center also has books and other media available about meditation, mindfulness, and emotional, and spiritual health.
Free meditation classes are available. Reservations are not required; walk-ins are welcome.
Music and Meditation
Music engages the brain in ways that alter patterns of thinking by bringing focus to emotional experiences. Guided meditation with music aligns thinking with those experiences and allows a shift in attention and mood from distress to comfort.
Come prepared to have fun, enjoy the experience, and walk away with a sense of well-being. If you are tired of being tired, or worried about being worried, come and learn what you can do to break the cycle of ruminating on your challenges and feeling blue about your losses.
Good for patients, family members, and professionals, this class will promote restful sleep and lift your spirits.
Classes are held:
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, noon - 12:50 pm (Instructor: Chris)
Friday, noon - 12:50 pm (Instructor: Stephanie)
Art and Meditation
Art is expressive; meditation is contemplative. Together, they are a spiritual, creative practice. Combining art and meditation shifts the focus of attention from familiar patterns, including habits of worry, self-doubt, fear, anger, sorrow, loss, and pain by engaging the mind in creative processes.
Participants may bring their own pencils, crayons, pens, or other coloring supplies. Some supplies may be provided. Participants are also encouraged to bring drawing paper and writing paper so they can build their own collection of private images, prose, and poetry.
The course does not have the goal of producing "works of art," but instead uses the activities of setting intentions, contemplating thoughts, identifying patterns and symbols, and bringing the imagery onto paper so it may be seen. This allows the student the opportunity to meditate upon aspects of their own lives and thoughts normally set aside in the course of daily life.
You will be empowered to walk away from the class with the ability to be open to the unknown, trust yourself to express yourself, and find joy in the discovery of the power within you.
Classes are held on Tuesdays, 5 - 6 pm. (Instructor: Kirt.)
Mindfulness Practice
Classes are held on Thursdays, 2 - 3 pm. (Instructor: Kirt.)